Websites and Email addresses all use a Domain Name |
The actual domain name is the bit after the www. or https:// for a website address or after the @ symbol in an email.
The domain name is owned by a registrant who is the legal owner of the unique name.
Think of it as a sort of telephone number to access the beginning of a website or homepage.
So if you owned the domain you could use it as follows:
To use this domain for a Website Address it would be: or
To use the domain for Email Addresses it could be:
Note: Many businesses still don't use their domain name for their email using or instead.
Websites and Email addresses all use a Domain Name |
If you are considering acquiring your own Domain Name try to follow these simple guidelines...
Your domain name is your marketing i.e. it needs to easily attract the people you want.
Choose a name that is:
Short (7 letters of less)
There are still a lot of one finger typists out there - especially on mobile devices.
If your domain is too long to type people will give up before they start!
Easy to Spell
It needs to be really easy to spell. Many of your potential customers may struggle with spelling words like business, personnel or maintenance - especially if their first language is not English.
Test your domain by saying it once to a 7-year old child. Can they spell it back to you correctly? (try 5 different children)